"I remember the panic that gripped me my senior year of college when I realized I had to find a job that would start my adult life. The complexities of the modern economy have made that search even more frightening, but Chris Palmer’s Now What, Grad? is a wonderful confidence booster. The book takes readers by the hand and guides them step-by-step through the most difficult parts of that transition. I love the emphasis on thinking first about what you really want and identifying those happy parts of your life that already hold clues to what you should be doing. Get out a note pad as you read the book and by the end you will have a to-do list that will get you up every morning, ready to move forward." —Jay Mathews, Washington Post Columnist

"Chris Palmer’s Now What, Grad? helps students and recent graduates answer the title question with practical tips and useful stories drawn from his own rich career as well as from the lived experience of many of his students. Any new graduate reading this book will not only learn the nuts and bolts of finding a job and how to be an effective professional, but also how to live one’s life with meaning and purpose." -- Cornelius Kerwin, President, American University


All proceeds from this book go to fund American University scholarships.

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